Should You Cover Your AC Unit In The Winter?

Should you cover your AC unit in winter? It’s time to say goodbye to summer and hello to cooler temperatures for the rest of the year, which raises the question, “Should you cover your AC unit in winter?” Before tinkering with your cooling system, the team at Mr. Furnace is here to give you the […]Read More

Easy Ways to Reduce Your Air Conditioning Bills This Summer

Easy Ways to Reduce Your Air Conditioning Bills This Summer Once summer comes, you might be looking to save a bit more on cooling your home. Air conditioning can make your home a lot more comfortable, but if you’ve noticed your energy bills climbing bit-by-bit each year, you can take certain steps to see some […]Read More

The Complete Guide To Central Air Conditioners

The Complete Guide To Central Air Conditioners Canada may be famous for its brutal winters, but as everyone who lives in the St. Catharine’s and Niagara area knows, our summers can also be sweltering and humid. A central air conditioner can help you stay cool and keep your home comfortable even when the weather outside […]Read More

What Are Ductless Air Conditioners & Are They Right For My Home?

What Are Ductless Air Conditioners? A Flexible Cooling Solution Regardless of the season, we want our homes to be a comfortable oasis, free from the pressures of everyday stressors. But it can be a challenge to sit back and relax if your home temperature is too hot or too cold. Mr. Furnace believes that your […]Read More