Should I Turn Off My Furnace When On Vacation?

Your furnace is perhaps the most important appliance in your home during winter, keeping it safe and warm during the coldest months. If you own a furnace, one important decision you will likely need to make is whether or not to turn it off when you leave for vacation. Many people consider turning their furnaces off during the winter months because they would like to save money on utilities, plus safety concerns. However, there are a variety of reasons why you should keep your furnace on during the winter.

Prevent Frozen Pipes

During the cold winter months, frozen pipes are one of the worst things that could happen to your home. To prevent your pipes from freezing, you should make sure your home is warm at all times. Ideally, this will mean making sure that your home is at least 66 degrees even when you are not at your property.

Pet Safety Concerns

Have any pets in your home, you also want to make sure they are comfortable while you are away. If you are leaving any pets in your home at any time, you will want to make sure that your property is at a safe temperature. You should check with your veterinarian and also ensure you have someone to check in on them and ensure they are being fed.

Ensures System Stays Efficient

Another reason you should not turn your furnace off when you go on vacation is that it can be harder to get your furnace running again when you get back. During the cold winter months, furnace that’s been turned off for a long time up can take a lot of work and effort to get up and running again. This could even require you to have it serviced before it is able to operate efficiently. Because of this, you would be better off leaving it on the whole time.

Consult the Experts at Mr. Furnace

If you have any other questions about what to do with your furnace while you are away, contact Mr. Furnace. Our St. Catharines-based heating and air conditioning company can answer all of your questions and also provide you with a variety of services including installation services, maintenance services, and repairs.